x Menu Guests
Please contact us by phone or email.
Reservierung von 6-14 Personen
Die Stornierung ist bis 7 Tage vor Ihrer Restaurantreservierung kostenfrei.
Bis 3 Tage vor der Reservierung stellen wir Ihnen 48 Euro pro Person in Rechnung.
Spätere Stornierungen werden mit 60 Euro pro Person berechnet.
Bei Nichterscheinen ohne vorhergehende Stornierung stellen wir 60 € pro Person in Rechnung.
Cancellation is free of charge up to 7 days before your restaurant reservation.
Up to 3 days before the reservation, we will charge you 48 euros per person.
Later cancelations will be charged at 60 euros per person.
In the event of a no-show without a prior cancellation, we will charge €60 per person.
Reservation of 1-6 persons during the Book Fair 2024 (14-17.10.2024) and during the EM2024
Cancellation is free of charge up to 2 days before your restaurant reservation.
Later cancelations will be charged with 60 Euro per person.
In the event of no-show without prior cancellation, we will charge €60 per person.
Herewith I agree with the terms and conditions and the cancellation conditions of the restaurant.
Almost done!
Please check your details once again.
We reserve for you at the restaurant
• on at
Your place on our waiting list
• on
• for guests
• Room
• 0x À la carte
Your confirmation will be sent to:
With this cost free reservation you agree with our privacy policy.
By making a chargeable reservation you agree to the privacy policy.
We charge your credit card with an amount of x 60.00 € incl. VAT.
Total amount € incl. VAT.
Thank you for your reservation!
We are looking forward to welcoming you.
Your reservation could not be made.
We were unable to charge your credit card,
please try again at a later date.