x Menu Guests
Please contact us by phone or email.
à la carte
jederzeit kostenfrei stornierbar
Iconic High Tea
Die Stornierung ist bis 24 Stunden vor Ihrer Barreservierung kostenfrei.
Spätere Stornierungen werden mit dem vollen Preis pro Person berechnet.
Bei Nichterscheinen ohne vorhergehende fristgerechte Stornierung
stellen wir den vollen Preis pro Person in Rechnung.
à la carte
can be canceled free of charge at any time
Iconic High Tea
Cancellation is free of charge up to 24 hours before your cash reservation.
Later cancelations will be charged at the full price per person.
In the event of a no-show without prior timely cancellation we will charge the full price per person.on.
Herewith I agree with the terms and conditions and the cancellation conditions of the bar.
Almost done!
Please check your details once again.
We reserve for you at the bar
• on at
Your place on our waiting list
• on
• for guests
• Room
• 0x À la carte
Your confirmation will be sent to:
With this cost free reservation you agree with our privacy policy.
By making a chargeable reservation you agree to the privacy policy.
We charge your credit card with an amount of x 60.00 € incl. VAT.
Total amount € incl. VAT.
Thank you for your reservation request!
We will get back to you shortly.
Thank you for your reservation!
We are looking forward to welcoming you.
Your reservation could not be made.
We were unable to charge your credit card,
please try again at a later date.